Have you ever read your old blogposts and been struck by how your outlook and language have changed? Recently, I read some of my earliest posts on this blog. And I felt quite emotional about it. [READ: My Sun is my Light]
Few points sprang to my mind:
- I used to write about personal things - it was a space to share my daily reflections, and now I no longer do that - now I am more guarded and wary.
- I used to write about things I feel strongly about - now I accept life as it is
- My dreams, my reflections, my musings have changed even in terms of my language - i am no longer the person who began writing this blog.
- Sometimes, when I read my old posts, I feel as though I'm seeing a stranger, who has no resemblance to me. Makes me wonder, "Who is this? Was it me?"
Here are some of those old posts:
- Parents are Love
- It's Rainy...What Would You Eat?
- Wake Up Time: There's No Woman in the Moon
- Conversations with My Mother
I find myself reading these posts and asking, "Who are you, gal? That ain't me!"