Embrace December with cheerful vibes! It's been a tough year but give yourself more space to nestle into your feelings. Wondering what is the best gift to give yourself this Christmas? Shield your energy, protect your boundaries and don't let energy vampires swoop in on you and steal your goodness and kindness.
Give yourself as many permission slips as you need to rewire your emotions.
[Image: By Cristina Ilao on Unsplash]
Read Jennifer's blogpost where she talks about the Theory of Ironic Processing by Harvard Social Psychologist Daniel Wegner. The theory says that when our thoughts are either repressed or denied, they become more dominant.
Allow yourself to witness your feelings.
Label each emotion. Let it go.
Remember, if you don't give permission to yourself to feel the full spectrum of your emotions, you will begin to experience it in other areas of your life when they are not there. Simply put, the more you resist, the faster they sneak into your life.
So, what is the way forward? It's quite simple.
Don't be afraid of identifying and labeling your emotions.
Allow yourself to feel without reacting. Just be you.
And if you love to read real-life inspirational tales, don't miss reading The Amazing Tale of Peddabottu!
Still wondering how to give yourself permission slips? Read more here.
Read this informative blogpost by Christiane Northrup, M.D. on 9 ways to give yourself a permission slip when you are in an Energy Vampire relationship.
Just one more month to 2021. Keep your routine one of simple gratitude.