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Gautamantey Radham Movie review: This Neeraj Madhav starrer is a heartwarming family entertainer

"A car is not just a car, it is like bringing home a new family member," Gautaman's wise grandmother tells an 18 year old grandson with a naughty sparkle in her eyes. In another moving scene, Gautaman talks about how the car is the only place where family members sit in the closest proximity to one another while traveling their everyday moments, a safe haven that is second only to home.
These fleeting glimpses are one of the many heartwarming moments from this quaint family entertainer that revolves around a coming-of-age phase for a young boy. 

Starring Neeraj Madhav, Valsala Menon, Renji Panicker, Devi Ajith, this family entertainer packs in precious moments in a middle class family.

Adding to the old-fashioned charm of this clean family film, this grandmother-grandson bonding is a joy to watch. 

From buying one's first car to dealing with other people's judgment of it,  'Gautamantey Radham' shows the reality of how a highly brand-conscious Malayali identity.  

Before we judge others, let's look at how many times we ourselves mentally judge a person's 'worth' based on the expensive brands others wear or own. It could be a car, a watch, a phone - the reality is that the brand-conscious Malayali is here to stay. 

The film also navigates through moments beginning with Gautaman's first 'mistaken' car purchase to what it eventually becomes for him - a legacy of love and most cherished family moments. 

From start to finish, I found myself enjoying Neeraj Madhav's effortless portrayal of the protagonist in 'Gautamantey Radham'. Essaying the role of Gautaman's grandmother who dreams of her journey from Ceylon to Kochi in a car, veteran actress Valsala Menon deserves a standing ovation. 

From scene to scene, dialogue to dialogue, she is a Queen of Hearts.

In the scenes where she is walking, hand in hand with her grandson, I found myself remembering beautiful moments when my grandmother and I used to hold hands and walk together.

When Gautaman held his grandmother protectively close to him as he took her around to see Ram Setu, I had tears in my eyes. 

Because we don't need movies to tell us how precious this relationship between a grandmother and grandchild is - we know it. This film brings it to life.

There's no doubting it - Gautamantey Radham is a beautiful reminder of how deep and lasting our family relationships can be.


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