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Watching Zindagi Na Milegi Do Bara again

Have you ever found yourself watching a movie after a decade and then feeling as though the movie had so many precious moments that you missed the first time you saw it? That's exactly what I felt when I watched 'Zindagi Na Milegi Do Bara' on Netflix this weekend. Here's what I had written the first time I watched the film in case you want to go through it before reading this post.

                                                [Source: Amazon]

While 'Bagwati' and 'Laila-Majnu' dialogues made me smile, as did Farhan Akhtar's effortless charm and intelligent sense of humour, there are some scenes that stayed with me in a deeper way as I watched the film. 

I liked the scene where Katrina Kaif tells Hrithik that he has missed something in life if he hasn't slept under the stars - this resonated with me. 

When we were children, my dad used to always take us to the terrace of our home in Kochi and we used to look at the stars and spend time just gazing at the inky sky. One of the most beautiful memories that still stay with me. 

There's a scene between Naseerudin Shah and Farhan Akhtar where the former asks him, 'What is the truth?' when Farhan asks him to just speak the truth about how he felt. 

Then Shah goes on to say that for each person, his version of the story would seem like the truth, which keeps altering as life goes on. 

While this is an emotionally charged up moment for a young man, it isn't the most awaited moment for the older man who had never wanted a son in the first place. 

There's also a scene where he apologises casually and Farhan tells him, "Don't apologize unless it comes from your heart." Another precious moment!

In that one moment, you can see how different their truths are. 

It just made me think deeply about how each of us responds to the truths that have shaped our life. [Do READ: Cocktail movie and campus friendships!]

Have we resisted Truth in our life or accepted it with grace?

While Farhan Akhtar breaks down and cries when his father is truthful enough to tell him that he never really wanted or cared for him, it made me wonder why we all break down when our desires and expectations from others are not met. 

We resist the truth of others when it doesn't match our expectations. 

Think about it. It's what I did.


I had seen this movie in theatre at the time of its release (perhaps just like you) and I keep on seeing it every now and then on TV / internet. I am in complete agreement with your thoughts about life and psyche spelled out while referring to certain scenes and dialogues of the movie.
Glad to hear you enjoyed reading the blog post and felt that it resonates with your thoughts on it.

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