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Showing posts from December, 2015

How to make your New Year's resolutions work? 6 awesome tips, just perfect for 2016!

No New Year resolutions yet? Stop worrying about that, it's no  big deal! A research study by the University of Scranton indicates that 45% of people usually set New Year resolutions, but only about 8% actually achieve their goals. So, what's  the top secret to make it to the 8% that work hard on their New Year goals? Sshhhh, I have a plan. It's easy, it's practical. Here you go: 1. Work on nurturing one trait every month with your loved ones - here's an easy practical guide  . 2.  Choose 12 mini goals  . 3.  Heal your heart every day, make it strong  . 4.  You are a miracle with gifts to offer in every stage of your life. Rejoice exactly where you are. 5. To have a happier, more joyful and serene year, check out Vishnu's 18 Sacred Intentions to Set for 2016 .  6. Let me wrap up my post with a personal favorite from my favorite blogger Mani Karthik  . Here's a warm toast to your health, prospe...

My love for you has no limits

My 9 year-old and I love to snuggle up and have funny conversations. Sometimes we ask each other silly questions, emotional ones - it's a part of our 'bonding' journey. A couple of days ago, I asked my son, " How much do you love me? " His immediate reply, " My love for you has no limits, Amma. It has no boundaries. It goes on and on and on.... " My heart flipped, warm and cozy like a pancake. I held my baby closer, and my heart seemed to burst with happiness.

How human voices can inspire your writing

When I am outdoors, I like to listen to human voices.  Each voice has a unique texture and sound quality, which cannot be compared to another. [ Bonus READ: On Success , No Woman on the Moon ] I carry a notebook with me - with a navy blue cover -to write the dialogues that catch my fancy. When I first began jotting down these dialogues, I thought that this notebook will be sparsely populated. That didn't happen. The notebook is now filled to the brim.  We can learn so much from a set of dialogues - about a person's beliefs, region, education, culture, etc. Svetlana Alexievich, the winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Literature, shares some beautiful insights about how human voices inspire her writing.  I thought I'd share it here - for you. What are the human voices, conversations or dialogues that have made a remarkable impact on you? [ DO READ:  Shobha De says "Writing is like a heartbeat to me...I live to write ! ]

Little things can bring great joy

Yesterday, I realized that it was a dear fr iend's birthday and he wasn't on Facebook. So, there were no FB reminders. I dug out old albums and found his pic. I put a 'Happy Birthday' post on Facebook - which helped many mutual friends to reach out to him and wish him. People suddenly realized that they had missed him.  Later in the evening, I called him. The joy in his voice was unmistakable.  Little things can bring great joy. We just need to reach out to more people with more love.  God is love and His love is best expressed through the choices we make. Can being missed by other human beings make a difference, lift your spirits? Do share your thoughts.....

Hope is sometimes a crumb

Hope is sometimes a crumb that you hold on to deep within. [Do read: Strong is the new BEAUTIFUL ] It can be an idea that you want to work on. It can be the startup you are dreaming about.  It can be a relationship that you feel strongly committed to though there is nothing to show it is going in the direction you are hoping for. [READ: Ask more, fear less , Never ever GIVE UP ! and How to find peace within when your plans go for a toss ] Never ever underestimate the power of hope - it's all we have to stay strong even when the tide turns against us.

Walking the red carpet

The single best thing that has happened to me in the last few months is my decision to spend more time in bookshops, libraries and attend book launches or literary meetings. Every time I attend a bookshop or a book launch, I meet a new writer or a new publisher. We talk and it gives me a high to stay committed to my daily routine of writing.  Recently, at the Indian Habitat Centre where the 5th edition of ILF Samanvay's Annual Languages Festival, I saw a beautiful red carpet rolled put to welcome everyone. It struck me as apt. It's the readers who deserve the red carpet.  The idea kept lingering in my head, along with an early morning bird song. Happiness is this moment. { READ: The Choices We Make , Karma , Love } What's the happiest moment that caught you unaware recently?