Mother of a three month old baby joined back for work. She sat on her desk, unable to focus on anything but the thought of her baby. She placed on her desk a tiny framed pic of her three month old baby. The more she looked at it, the worse she felt. She couldn’t work. So, she put the pic away and she set to work. That day, she learned the most important lesson in her life – No matter what your situation is, keep yourself happy.
of my former friends from law college (a class topper, super achiever, excellent in arguments, etc) wrote a
Facebook post after watching a very inspiring Malayalam movie called ‘How Old
Are You?.”
friend wrote that after watching the movie, her husband said she is like the
protagonist in the movie – she had everything going for her but she is a
failure because she has no career.
She also
wrote that moms who stay at home CHOOSE to make sacrifices for their family’s
growth. They let go of career opportunities and stagnate within but they deserve
at least respect from their spouses and family members.
I can
understand that she feels hurt. And here’s what I think:
You SHOULDN'T have to justify your choices to your family.
2. Those who truly love you will always treat you with the love and
respect you deserve. Those who don’t, it’s a tough test to deal with it. You’ve
got to understand it’s NOT your failure in anyway.
3. You cannot control how your family members treat you. Focus on the relationships that make you happy.
3. You cannot control how your family members treat you. Focus on the relationships that make you happy.
Happiness has very little to do with how others whom you love
treat you. It begins and ends with how you feel about yourself.
We are people doing different things in life. Whatever causes us unhappiness, be it something some one said, or a difficult situation you are going through, there is one powerful mantra to take you through this: BE HAPPY ALWAYS!
Here are some little ways to spice up the happiness quotient:
1. Keep a little 'Gratitude' notebook that records every little thing that makes you feel happy. Fill in as much as you can every day with the little, happy details - it could be a compliment, a lovely article you read, a dress you are wearing, a tasty dish some one shared with you.
2. Listen to music, talk to those who make you happy and focus on the relationships that help you thrive and support you when you need it.
3. Find ways to appreciate whatever is making you experience happiness every day.
4. Sometimes, do something unexpected. Surprise yourself. Maybe you can visit some one you love but haven't caught up with for a long time can help.
“What is happiness, really?” Differs from
person to person. What makes you happy?
By the way, that mother of a three month old, that’s me.
[The title of this blog post is taken from a quote in The Law of Attraction, The Teachings of Abraham, by Esther and Jerry Hicks]
♥♥ I thank you with all my heart for reading my post. I dedicate this post with love and gratitude to all individuals who are finding ways to focus on happiness in their life and on their spiritual path. I am grateful and I appreciate you for reading this post. ♥♥
for me, gratitude and appreciation are easy tools for increasing happiness. when we appreciate what we have and are thankful for the blessings (and twists and turns of life), we learn to make a conscious choice to be accepting and ultimately happy.