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Book Review: Simple Things Make Luv, Author: Komal Thakur

When I picked this book with its bland cover and odd title, I had little hope of being glued to it. Can it be bias? I think its more about expectations being built when you look at the blurb and find it reads pretty cheesy and so does the title and then you aren't so sure about spending money on a book like that. The funny thing is I keep doing it believing that one day, others will feel the same curiosity and buy my books and give me a chance too. Anyway, I started reading the book on a Saturday evening and it was so interesting that I just finished it the same night! I couldn't sleep till I had finished reading till the last page! 

The story begins with a film director whose wife, Niti, vanishes. She leaves him a note saying that she doesnt want to be traced and that she has to leave him. First angry and then in a state of disbelief, the busy film director realizes that his life and happiness can never be complete without his wife. He remembers the love, trust and joyful moments in their relationship and decides that he will do everything possible to bring her back. He trusts his faithful lawyer to help him find Niti. Together, they embark on a thrilling journey that takes through some of the most painful moments. For the husband, each phase leads from one shocking revelation to the other. He discovers that Niti has a past that he had known nothing about. He finds out about the man she had loved, married and left in order to start a life with him. He finds out so many deep, dark secrets that no husband would like to find out about his wife. He totters between a decision to abandon her for the lies that had kept their marriage alive and then decides that he still loves and wants her back in his life. The rest of the book gets deeper and deeper into twists and tangles that will keep you on the edge.

While there is no literary praise that I can heap on the writing quality, I must say cheers to the young writer, Komal Thakur, for the interesting plot that she wove and kept me glued to. If you stumble upon this book by chance, don't let the bland cover and cheesy blurb steal the thunder. Give the author a chance, buy her book and read it. And just in case you are wondering, nope, she's not related to me nor is she paying me to write this review!

I just believe that every good book deserves a chance to be read.


R. Ramesh said…
will take yr suggestion on this..and u remember a site called Global Madrasi..hehe cheers
Hey, the moment you started narrating the plot, I was reminded of the movie 'Looking for kitty'. The movie itself was only so so.
You should write book reviews in a mag. You are a natural at reviewing. I will add this to my wishlist in Flipkart
Booklover said…
Indeed Swapna, every good book deserves a chance!

Do visit BookReviews at BookRack and find more such treasures !
Readers Dais said…
Thanks for sharing,
and defenitely every good book deserves achance to be read, and ur effort is appreciated.
Pramoda Meduri said…
hey swapna, thanks so much fr the review.. i'll take it next time..

hw r u doing?
Thanks, Ramesh....! Of course, I remember....been more active on Twitter and FB, thats all.

@Life Refactored: Thank you so much. I always dreamt of reviewing books in magazines but no magazine seems interested in publishing my reviews so far:)

@Readers Dais: Thanks!

@Pramoda: Been more active on Twitter and FB so it keeps me busy all the time. How've u been?

@Booklover: Thanks!
Komal Thakur said…
Hey Swapna,

When i started reading your review i was scared to death, because your first few lines [And google shows only the first three lines mostly] about my book cover and title and blurb were negative and towards the end, i felt relieved. Ha ha, thank you so much for writing the review. I must say that you summarized my story in better words than i could do. It feels great to know that you liked my book. Thanks a ton!!!!!

PS - By the end of this month, my book will have a better cover. Author Promise!!!!
@Komal - Hey, I really am honored that you liked my review and glad that you took my feedback in a very good way. I am sorry that the first few sentences frightened you off. Hope the blurb turns out very cool. Good luck with forthcoming books too.
Komal Thakur said…
@ Swapna: I am honored really that you reviewed my book. I cant really promise with a new blurb because its not in my hands. But we are coming up with a new cover for the next edition. And even if you had reviewed my book negatively, i would have liked it anyway. Because i know, there is so much for me to learn and improve upon. The positive review just feels too good. Thanks so much.

Hey, just one more thing. Your kid is really so cute. My colleague here fell in love with your kid [Me too]. She is married and is a proud mother of a 1 yr old.

Best Wishes,

Komal Thakur
Anonymous said…
Words would be less to express the love of mine towards the i totally forgot about mý exams when i start to read it. people laugh on as i was reading the book in a busy road way as if i was hiding a love letter inside my was quiet weird but i didn't care i finshed reading the book at 2o clock at night with tears on mý eyes about aryan he really cares kinnari just can't say anymore words can't define there love passion...
Hope i made a good way to express my words with a smile

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