Khan Market is one of my favorite places, not only because it is a place where stories can be plucked from people's conversations and mannerisms but this is an amazing hub for food lovers. You can find all types of food that is sure to appeal to your sense of taste.
Here is a yummy walnut cake from Sugar&Spice. From the moment you enter their store, you will find yourself bumping into either foreigners looking through different types of cheese (Belgian, French, Danish etc) or Indians who pretend to be just like the foreigners wearing those outrageously expensive 'phoren' perfumes and even sounding like them! God, when will we learn to respect being us, I really don't know, but I couldn't resist this walnut cake. It has a slightly nutty flavors and isn't all that sweet but if you like tasting exotic stuff, this one's for you so have it!
What's your favorite cake? Do you make it or buy it?
Tell me all about it.
My fav. cake is the one I happen to make at home ...once in a blue moon...when it turns out well...which Hubs and children eat with unabashed praises...I love That cake!!
And yes, fakoo foreingers!! Aw!! that imitation of the use talking!! never-ending phase in our country!!
i too love the walnut cake though d chocolate pastries r my fav...:)
The cake looks delicious enough. Wondering if cakes could turn real while clicking on them!!
Any nicely made cake with TLC is good enough for me (no creamy ones except for rich gooey chocolate).
We usually buy cakes and sometimes amma bakes them for Christmas.
Wonderful remainder of the day.
Joy always,
My wife makes it at home.
Mine has to be chocolate.Period. I do not even touch other flavours with a barge pole !!
please visit me back!!!!
Culture of Indonesia
Your cake looks super cool!
I cannot bake :( but my sister bakes really well. So if I have to choose from her kitchen it has to be the Blackforest cake. She is an expert now hehe..
Thank you all!
But merely looking at it..I feel I have already put on some pounds..:))
I better get up from desk and walk..:)
Damn, I miss that place right now... and it's just 12:00 in the afternoon! hehe
@Iddy: I know what you mean about Khan Market. Did you know that Khan Chacha's has shut down due to some legal issue? No more of thsoe mouth watering kababs and rolls! Isn't that shocking?
Well, that's life. I love Big Chill:)
For more on cake see post "Baking is another option"