Beware of this online cancerous growth of Plagiarism!
It sounds like a silly, repetitive goofy gimmick to talk about but its not. Committing plagiarism is very common online. It is growing and we need to tackle this growing problem by facing it and joining hands to eliminate it. If your purse, bank account or belongings were stolen, would you just let it be as is? Would you not want to do something about it? This is more serious than we can possibly imagine. We can't sit back and sympathize but we need to take action NOW!
Malar's blog, with its most delectable range of recipes, has been completely copied by a very focused, dedicated plagist. Can you begin to imagine what that means to a writer, who is one among us? Years of hard work, effort and invaluable quality have been stolen just like that! Including the beautiful photos! Tomorrow, it can happen to you and me.
Malar's blog, with its most delectable range of recipes, has been completely copied by a very focused, dedicated plagist. Can you begin to imagine what that means to a writer, who is one among us? Years of hard work, effort and invaluable quality have been stolen just like that! Including the beautiful photos! Tomorrow, it can happen to you and me.
You can make a difference by reporting this plagist blog
as spam by clicking here.
as spam by clicking here.
Thanks for this timely help, truly it means so much to me. Thanks for standing up for me.
Hubby who works in a further education college says it is ahuge problem there as well with students simply down-loading the work of others.
I'll be looking at Kitchen Tantra more (adding it to my reader) since I've been looking for some good Indian curry recipes. :)
That's really sad and bad thing to happen! Nice of you to bring it up!!
Good of you to post abt this,