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Showing posts from June, 2017

''Kaalachakra'' or the wheel of time is on a roll - which phase are you in?

We all go through ''phases'' in life - you probably know what I am talking about as you recall the good years you had and those that saw you struggling. I have a ''kaalachakra'' theory for these phases. The toughest and most scary times aren't so tough at all once we have faced it with conviction and courage that ''this too shall tide over."   Every human being goes through the wheel of Time and no one escapes it. So, no matter who you are, how ''high" you are in the hierarchy of life, you too will go through the wheel of time, which means you are not exempted from the struggles and trials, period. In the process, you are creating your own karma, which stems out of your free will.                    [ How to be the BEST at anything - DO READ! ]                                             (Image: ...