You know I love readings books and if it relates to mythology, you've got me glued to every page! It is never easy to recreate the character and the inner world of already known characters - the challenges are many and quite tricky for a writer. In the mythology genre, Kavita Kane is my favorite writer. Her books Karna's Wife and Menaka's Choice had me spell bound! . Kavita Kane brought every character to life and I simply loved both these books. [My post in Writers Melon: Why are Kavita Kane's mythological narratives so compelling to read? ] [ Source: Kavita Kane's Facebook page ] If you have read the Ramayana, you already know a little about the story of Surpanakha - the ''wronged'' sister of Ravana. In this novel, the author gives readers a glimpse of the inner world of Surpanakha - her childhood, her relationships...
A Journey To The Inner Self | Reflections on Culture, Spirituality and Bhakti