Have you ever thought of a sentence that sums up your existence at one go? I didn't till I stepped into another one of our interesting team meetings. Shambhawi, one of my colleagues quoted a few lines from Cecilia Ahern's latest book Thanks for the Memories . stating,"Rushing, rushing, rushing. We are always rushing. Never have enough time here, always trying to make our way there. Need to have left here five minutes ago, need to be there now " The funny thing, or maybe the serious thing, is that all of us could identify with that concept of rush as something that dominates our lives. One colleague said that sentence sums up his daily life. Another person stated that it pertains to all our lives. See what I mean? Talk about relaxing and I remember an old treehouse in Malawi, where I grew up. I had a friend called Sophie. She was the prettiest girl in our class, so I was always in awe of her. Beauty isn't dished out by God to all and sundry as I very well know. She...
A Journey To The Inner Self | Reflections on Culture, Spirituality and Bhakti